It has been a driving passion to see a large percentage of individuals in our congregation roll up their sleeves and engage in missions. While seeking the Lord’s heart about this, we felt that He was issuing us a challenge –He was saying to us that we had “allowed the scope of our missions program to be defined by the parameters of our financial resources.” While being good stewards of the investment of missions dollars, we were underutilizing the unlimited resource of prayer. Although we were doing a fairly good job praying for the missionaries we financially supported, our prayer focus only extended as far as the cities or countries in which we could financially “afford” to support missionaries. The Lord was quick to remind us that He set the parameters of what our missions program would be long ago when He said: “…go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS….” –Matthew 28:19a

God has called us to touch EVERY nation, not just the ones in which we can afford to support missionaries. In response to this, we began to consider what kind of structure could be put in place to facilitate strategic prayer coverage for every nation and realized that the Assemblies of God World Missions had already put in place a structure that clustered groups of countries together within each region in a way that made sense culturally and established “Area Directors” over each. Who would better know the emerging challenges and strategic needs in an area than our AG Area Directors? We determined to increase each of our 6 foreign regional teams by 5 or 6 people who would be trained to serve here on the local church level as CCC “Area Reps”, each of whom would adopt one AGWM defined “Area.” In May of 2010, I presented the vision to the congregation and asked for 28 to respond. 68 people responded that day!

After a summer of training, we implemented our first Global Prayer Initiative (GPI) in October of 2010. Now, on the Monday evening following most monthly missions windows, the entire missions leadership team hosts a Global Prayer Initiative in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30-7:45pm. These prayer events average around 100 people. The evening begins with live worship and heart preparation and the option of individual communion.


Prayer for CCC Supported Missionaries

The names of every CCC supported missionary has been written on the spine of a 4×6 flag of the country in which they serve along with the country’s total population. Prayer participants each pick up a flag and simultaneously pray in concert for each missionary by name. We often lift the flags collectively and pray corporate prayers over our entire missionary family.  Regional teams also gather for a season of covering specific and timely prayer requests that have been sent to team members through newsletters or personal communications.

Prayer for the Nations

Participants walk out onto eight 12×15 vinyl floor maps of every region in the world. Strategic prayer is then offered for the nations including prayers for governments, national churches,  humanitarian issues, the lost, unreached people groups, critical issues and more.

Prayer for Guest Missionary

Although, at any given GPI, we may have multiple missionaries visiting, we usually will have our main guest missionary present who addressed the congregation the day before. Our prayer meeting concludes by gathering around this guest for special prayer, then presenting them with a check reflecting the congregation’s giving the day before.

Upcoming GPI and Team Meeting Dates

Following are dates for our currently scheduled Global Prayer Initiatives/Regional Team Mtgs.

Although all Global Prayer Meetings are open to everyone, missionary guests desiring to attend a regional team meeting following a prayer meeting MUST schedule in advance with CCC’s corresponding Regional Director


March 17 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
April 28 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
June 23 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
July 21 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
August 18 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
September 22 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
October 13 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative
October 20 @ 6:30pm – Global Prayer Initiative


Praying for the Nations
GPI Declaration of Faith
Anatomy of a Prayer Meeting 2015
Basic Principles of Prayer 2015
Joshua Project

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